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Veggie Steps 2024

Potatoes should have been planted 2 weeks ago but they went in this week. The reason: this is a new part of the veggie garden and the soil was not ready. It was lawn, the sod had to be removed and the ground more thoroughly cultivated.

The beet and carrot seed went into that same area.

The kale and celeriac are hardening off. Sure, that could have already been done but waiting for the those beds ... kinda forgot that the schedule didn't need to to be altered. They would be facing frost with every clear-sky morning if they had been set out earlier – delaying their growth. Sure, there have been some clouds but we are certainly receiving very close to zero rain.

And, the temporary hoop house is filled and has been for some time. The 2 beds in there are becoming covered in green with, mostly, Asian greens.

How is the vegetable garden progressing For You?


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