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Update from Indiana

It's a beautiful day here. We got a good rain the other day and the plants seems to be recovering from the frost damage. Some of the scapes on H. minor got frosted, but I think some survived.

We have been working in the daylilies. We got the bed for the seedlings tilled and covered with landscape fabric. When we were out working, we discovered this variegated daylily. The cross is O Positive X Ahoya. Most variegated daylilies are weaklings, but this one looks pretty good. We'll keep an eye on it.

The daffodils are almost done and the tulips are starting. We don't grow many tulips because we have tunneling critters that would eat the bulbs and many tulips don't come reliably back. But here is one nice clump that was planted two years ago. To keep the critters away, we planted the bulbs in a cage, specially made for such a purpose. I don't know the name of these.

The lilacs are spreading a lovely scent throughout the garden. I think they did suffer some frost damage.

This one is called 'Blue Skies' is a prolific grower, but the scent isn't strong as the others.

Maiden's Blush is probably my favorite.

I don't remember the name of this one.

The dwarf early iris are starting too.


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