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Hospice Pie

last month

I just saw this story that I thought some here might enjoy. Here in the PNW we have a proliferation of blackberries. Some not native, but they fill vacant lots and cover field fences and try to take over our rural lots, sometimes succeding. But there is one special variety of wild blackberry that grows mostly in the foothills that we call "little wild blackberries." They are HARD to come by, difficult to find and even more difficult to pick. They grow well in areas devastated by wild fires or slash burns. You can seldom buy them...I found a guy last year who was selling them for $60 a gallon. There is truly no better blackberry.

Anyway that's to set up some context about this pie...the video is about 6 min, but worth it! The pie maker is 96.

Hospice Pie

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