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Happy April FOTESSERS!!

Tiz Garden Frolic Time......

Let’s tip toe through the garden and frolic our little hearts out!! And smile....

Send to your partner something for the garden....NO SEEDS!!

I would suspect most of us have Amazon Prime. AMAZON has plenty of garden items and shipping would be free. Easy to get out the door for $10 and free shipping. But that is up to you. If you prefer shopping elsewhere and shipping yourself, go for it.

Garden flags, garden gloves, pruners, garden signs...lots of garden STUFF on Amazon. Actually, GARDEN STUFF does not have to be Garden Flags or garden gloves or pruners or garden signs. Use your imagination!!

Sign up deadline Sunday, April 7

Partners Monday, April 8

Please send to your partner by Saturday, April 20

Please post when you send to your partner....PLEASE!! PLEASE!!! PLEASE!!

Please post when you receive....PLEASE!! PLEASE!! PLEASE!!

If possible, please post a picture.

Now, if no one signs up for APRIL GARDEN FROLIC or there are very few sign ups, obviously I will cancel.

Possible games....I will see how sign ups go!!

Tiz April Fools Day....LOL!! Enjoy!!

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