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Coca - Cola spiced? Happy Tears??

Jeb zone 5
last month
last modified: last month

First it was Flamin' Hot Mountain Dew that tastes like Flamin' Hot Cheetos, now it is Spiced Coca - Cola. The company claims that it tastes like raspberry - and spice? That sounds really bad to me. Years ago I was at Disney's Epcot Center and there was a beverage dispenser that had carbonated drinks from around the world - most of them tasted like medicine to me! While reading about Coke's new spiced flavor I also learned that they have another new soda introduction called Happy Tears. That sounds really bizarre - and awful. Can't even imagine what that tastes like. I guess the taste of regular Coca - Cola wasn't weird enough on its own. These new flavors probably won't be on the market for very long, there will be people who will try them once for the novelty of it, make a TikTok video of their reaction to it, and that will be it.

I don't drink carbonated sodas - or pop, whatever you call it in your neck of the woods. I do drink water, black coffee and plain green tea and will stick with what I like.

What do you think about these new and unusual beverage flavors? Have you tried any of them?

I just came across this article about new flavors from the Coke company -

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