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Looking Back at 2023 Reading

4 months ago

What did you enjoy, struggle with or toss aside last year?

These are the ones I finished and mostly was glad I read.

Cuddy - Ben Myers the story of St Cuthbert from death to the modern day and his influence on the people of Durham and it's cathedral. Early chapters difficult but got much better as we get to the 'now'.

Someone Else's Shoes - Jojo Moyes. Just a fun read with believable characters.

The Marriage Portrait - Maggie O'Farrell. An arranged marriage in Renaissance Italy. A slow start but gets better as it goes; worth the effort.

In My Father's House - Joseph O'Connell. Dirty deed in the wartime Vatican sorted out by a tough priest. Good suspense.

The Cazalet Chronicles - Elizabeth Jane Howard. I didn't read the books one after another and had to refer to the handy 'family tree' so I could figure out who was who, but they all were enjoyable reads.

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