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"Best" red rose for low desert

Carrie_in_Phoenix Zone 9b, Sunset 13, Heat 10
last year
last modified: last year

Hello! I've been scouring Houzz, talking to the folks at Berridge Nursery, and generally collecting information on red roses. For the folks who live in climates like that of Phoenix, I'm curious: do you have a favorite red rose? I'm especially interested in roses that have a strong, lovely fragrance and bloom a lot. Would be nice if it made for good cuttings too, but that's not critical for me. And I don't care if it's a true red or not (crazy though that may seem).

The ones I've come across are Chrysler Imperial, Firefighter, Ingrid Bergman, and Mr. Lincoln. Any pros/cons you might be able to share? Thanks!!!

P.S. I'm game for OGRs too. :)

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