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Floppy-topped Sapling

Lian Ellis
last year

Late summer of 2020 I planted a Newport plum and a Prairifire crabapple. I staked them both because they were very thin saplings. In the spring of 2021 the crabapple was awash in blossom but this spring we had a really bad late spring freeze (Eastern Ontario), so wasn't very showy but over the past few months it hasn't really bounced back.

The plum has leafed out and fluffed up and is just generally looking spectacularly happy while the crabapple looks like the sick, sniffley cousin at a birthday party. (The kid who never wants to play games.)

I had removed the stake this spring because I read that trees shouldn't become dependent on them, but, while the trunk is straight, the entire top of the tree is flopping rather alarmingly. I'm wondering if I should re-stake it to support the top but I can't find any information online.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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