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Dahlias in the South - should I insist?

I've had one dahlia, Enchantress, in a raised bed where I sprinkle zinnia seeds annually.

It's been there for the past two years and HAS given me a few blooms at the end of the summer, but I haven't done anything special for it. I just water it along with the zinnias and fertilize them more seriously when I remember, once or twice a season at the most.

The rest was just a bit of whatever water soluble fertilizer I have left when I am done with the roses or what not.

When I harvested a few blooms recently, I could not help noticing how big and convincing they look in the vase compared to all other blooms. They have such big impact and know how to fill up a vase, which for me is important because I don't have many flowers in the yard and don't know how to produce a lot of blooms per plant (roses or zinnias or anything else). So harvest is usually small.

Zinnias have been rather small and insignificant this year.

So I'd love to have a few more of these dahlia beauties and decided to try a few more. I ordered Thomas Edison, Kelvin Floodlight, Care au Lait and Bloodstone for next April (2022).

What is the most important things I can do with these dahlias to make them work in the South (Atlanta area)?

Three of them are supposed to be heat-tolerant, except Cafe au Lait, but I could not resists that beauty.

Any advice for these four would be welcome. Thank you so much!

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