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Brown Area on Cactus

westes Zone 9b California SF Bay
4 years ago
last modified: 4 years ago

My Peruvianus Monstrosus is developing a brown section at the top. I keep it outdoors in zone 9a, in pumice. It is yellow as a result of not being fertilized. Now it is developing an area of brown spots near the top. It's not soft yet, but I have a bad feeling that this is the start of a rot. It is not growing rapidly, yet. What would be some of the possible causes of this? I hate to cut this plant and would like to put off that decision as long as possible.

The sibling of this plant had a rot at top that was caused by a scale infestation. I cured that by taking the plant out of the shade and putting it into the full sun. In that case, I did have to cut the plant because the scale actually caused a soft rotting section. I could not find evidence of scales at the site of the new problem with the sister plant shown in the photo.

Why would this spot spontaneously start at the top of the plant? This cactus is supposed to tolerate down to 25F, and we have not had a single day below freezing this year.

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