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Plants that tolerate drought and wet?

Short story: Looking for recommendations for plants that can cheerfully tolerate wicked hot drought if needed, but also do well with consistent water, winter wet, and occasional soggy, muggy weeks in summer. Unfortunately all I can offer them atm is an area that is borderline full sun in some areas, but has trees casting shadows off and on in spotty areas enough to impact a sun lover’s performance.

Plants such as agastache have objected to the less than full sun conditions, and tend get nasty looking with excess rain. Others that like a more temperate climate strongly objected to the months of hot dry weather.

Beared Iris has done well. HR penstemon, and a few Sedums look good all year.

So basically I’m looking for an adaptable plant that can handle a range of moisture and sun with ease. thankful for any recommendations, from anyone who has found plants that perform nicely in these conditions.

Long story:

We don’t have a very consistent climate here. There is always winter wet. Some years summer and fall have drought, other years we have fairly regular rainfall all year. Last year we had no rain for 2 months from June-August, then a tiny sprinkle, and then no more rain for another month and a half. It was terribly hard on all the plants that expect some regular rainfall. I couldn’t keep up with the watering.

I determined to transform my garden into salvias, sedums, dianthus, and all the other plants that had thrived while it was hot and dry. Unfortunately, this spring and summer reminded me why that wasn’t the best idea. In my less than full sun garden, those plants had done very well during the hot dry year. With the extra water from this years regular rain (and sometimes sogginess), they were floppy, lacking bloom, or plain old rotted away. What to do?

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