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Tell me what to do first

123456 .
5 years ago

I picked this up along with a few succulents. I have read a bit about these plants in the past day that I have it. There is a lot to take in. Firstly I would just like to know if I can get some direction on where to start with this particular one.

It looks like it's a bunch of different plants clumped into one small space, or it could be just one?

Due to the presence of some blackened dead leaves (I plucked most of them) and the time of year, I'm assuming it may be coming out of the dormant stage????I'm in Hong Kong, temperatures during winter were between 12-20 celcius, I don't know if that's really cold enough to trigger a hibernation, or it could also have been farmed/raised somewhere else, like China, and exposed to much colder temps.

I'm a total noob. I've read a few articles but I need to re-read them a few more times to totally absorb the info. So far the only thing I've read that is I need to keep it humid and water it from the bottom up. Someone correct me if that's wrong. I'd like not to kill this plant within the first week of obtaining it.

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