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Grumble, Grumble

6 years ago

I don't quite know where to put this, so here it goes! In the area of Toronto, where I live there is a yard with Liriodendron, a crab apple with most gorgeous flowers. Also a rose, with rather nice flowers. The original owners of the property were English, and they brought these plants from England. At a time when it was possible to do that. Whenever I saw crab apple bloom my heart skipped a beat. Same with Liriodendron. Kept thinking I should graft the crab on my tree. Finally, I got the nerve, went to ask owners if I can take few slips. When I went to the back, I saw the tree and it was dying. The leaves had black spots, tree just looked pitiful. So did everything else. I took few pieces off the tree and I'll graft it even though I've never done it before. When I first saw the tree years ago, it was healthy, leafy, with plenty of bloom. Even Liriodendron does not look as good as it used to. Owners are aware Liriodendron is very rare. One would think people would take care of these trees, instead they brought them to the brink of death. Good thing they have no pets!

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