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Backlink SPAM

Seeing some Tag Team (or Two Part) spam recently, I asked "What is their goal?".

Are they really expecting folks here to buy whatever it is they"re spamming? I wouldn't think that would be worth the effort.

I suspect it's to post a link to raise their site's SEO score. SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

If I understand correctly, the more links a crawler (such as the Google's "Googlebot") finds pointing to a website, the closer to the top of the results that site moves. They call these links "Backlinks".

See Fighting Backlink Spam

"Non-cloaked backlinks are links that are visible on a
webpage all the time. Both Google and end users see the links in a page
when they visit. These are often used when cloaked backlink insertion is
not possible and are less desirable from the spammers' view point, as
they should be discovered and removed quickly by the admins of the website."



I reckon it goes to show the importance of reporting spam. Recognizing it and moving on
is not enough. Nor is calling it out and moving on. If it's not reported, the link remains, and the spammer wins.

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