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yogurt as a source of soil microbes?

16 years ago

Hi folks...

Wayyyyyy back when I first started looking into organic lawn care (about 4 weeks ago), I was looking for ways to reverse a thatch problem (that didn't involve manual labor).

I started understanding more and more about everything I was doing wrong (as I've confessed to in my other recent thread here on applying a compost tea and questions about my grass yellowing/dying).

When the soil/lawn life cycle started making sense to me, I came to the conclusion that if things aren't decomposing fast enough, then the lawn must be defficient in microbes. One of the first articles I came across on adding more microbes mentioned spraying on yogurt (specifically Stonyfield since they add more cultures) because "Lactobacillus bacteria is a world class bio-dethatch".

Seemed logical to me, and I expected to find a lot of references stating the same. I've searched the web up and down and never found anything similar. I found compost tea shortly after that and am taking that route, but was still kinda curious about yogurt (maybe yogurt as an ingredient in compost tea??).

I did spray a small section w/ yogurt (diluted in a hose-end sprayer) before I found AACT. Didn't appear to hurt the lawn, but I don't know that it helped it any.

Anyway, was just curious if anyone had opinions on this. The article is here:

Here is a link that might be useful: Link to yogurt reference

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