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Are adeniums toxic?

11 years ago

As a newcomer to adeniums, I am still reading as much as I can find. This morning I read the following: "Please do your research about these plants, very toxic, I planted with surgical gloves to protect my hands from possible sap."

I then tried a few searches of the posts here on the forum, but nothing about adeniums being toxic came up. A search of the internet came up with this on Wikipedia: "The sap of Adenium boehmianum, A. multiflorum, and A. obesum contains toxic cardiac glycosides and is used as arrow poison throughout Africa for hunting large game."

Another site says the sap is "irritating and toxic" and that you should wear rubber gloves when pruning and wash hands and tools with soapy water. and a site about dangerous houseplants says: "Adenium obesum (desert rose, mock azalea) Disrupts heart much like digitalis ('foxglove") and contains similar toxins; highly dangerous to humans and animals alike."

So, how toxic are they? What precautions should be taken when handling them? I did find a note here about pruning and avoiding the sap in the eyes and mouth, as it is poisonous, but I'm not seeing much about this issue in the forum posts. Is wearing gloves and washing hands/tools with soapy water sufficient?

Any suggestions?


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